Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Midas Touch

 The Castle

After we had moved into the Castle, we produced color photos that I autographed, to hand out at events. Even I felt uncomfortable doing that, but so many people toured The Castle that the photo souvenirs were popular items. The papers wrote stories about me and my success. One of them said that everything I touched turned to gold.—Mickey Murry

The above text is from the soon to be released book Riding the Bull by Mickey Murry.

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Monday, April 27, 2015

The Ride of a Life

Mickey lived the life of the rich and famous. From private jets to thoroughbred horses, his bull ride, Texas style, continued through the boom and bust of the housing industry. It included the crazy whitewater ride of excess during the savings and loan deregulation and financial debacle of the Reagan ‘80s. He was tossed from the saddle many times. But like a bull rider going for the world championship, won by the rider who hangs on for that magical eight seconds, Mickey got back up on the beast, time and time again.
In a life laced with many stories of great success, he saw greed and failure. He survived a kidnapping and multiple marriages, owned a string of winning horses, and hobnobbed with presidential candidates and a state Governor. He helped many people reach success, and through winning and losing it all, Mickey found peace where no one ever dreamed he would.
He rode the bull, and grabbed life by the horns. Hang on as we mount up!

From the Introduction in Riding the Bull, by Mickey Murry. Available July, 2015.