Wednesday, July 1, 2015

What do the early readers say?

One Texan reported, " A great ride from beginning to end. A great read."

As you may know, we have had 20 smart, successful, diligent people pouring over proof copies of my book, night and day, and telling me what they think. Of course, I was nervous; however, it has been a great experience for me and more fun than owning my jet. 

 Another early reader Texan said, "Put on your boots and get ready for a 220 volt ride. Right out of the chute from the first page to the last, once you are on the bull it's hard to get off."

The early readers love the story. You will too. As we make the last touches to the book, I may be a bit late in getting the personalized copies out by mid-July. My early readers tell me that when you get yours, it will be worth the wait. I initially thought it might be a fascinating story and fun to read, and my early readers have confirmed it. Thank heaven!

Let me personalize a copy for you. Buy a copy for yourself and several copies for your friends and let me earn the right to be your favorite Texas author.