Wednesday, May 27, 2015

I was kidnapped by a 7' tall giant.

I was kidnapped.

That's right, I was kidnapped, or man-napped in my case, and it is a part of my story that you will not wish to miss. A large, burly, muscular bad-guy barged into my office, picked me up in the air - no easy task -  and hauled me off to a waiting limousine parked in front of my office in Plano. The rest of the story is hilarious and has a surprise ending, unless you were there. I can tell you I did not think it was funny at the time. The background is I owed a guy a few bucks, but he said I never had to pay him back. I guess he had a change of heart and sent a representative to collect.

Jackie was there in the office and saw it all. She confirms my description of the story, however, her description of the kidnapping event is even more fascinating. She claims the culprit was 7' tall and weighed more than 350 pounds.

Riding the Bull is my story and I have tried to tell it with candor, humility and pride.

It's the life I lived, Texas style.

The release date is still set for July 15 and I am waiting to personalize a copy for you and your friends.

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