Wednesday, May 13, 2015

No job is too small for the president too do.

I was mowing the lots in Brooks Farm, mainly because our septic tank man had brought over a big 50-year-old John Deere tractor and was leaving it there. I had always wanted to run one, so he let me use it to mow. Thirty-five one and two acre lots still needed mowing every two weeks during the summer. If the people that owned them were prospects for a building job, I did it for free. That was part of my “earn the right to be their builder” service. If the lot owners did not seem interested in us, I charged them $25 per acre. It was fun and dirty. When I got done, I would be black from head to toe. People appreciated and respected me for doing it, and it helped us get some business. It proved I really would do anything to earn the right to be their builder.

 From Riding the Bull, by Mickey Murry. Available July, 2015.  Buy your limited edition autographed copy now for  delivery in July. 

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