Thursday, June 11, 2015

It's a blast to own your own jet.

I did not have a jet when I was first married, but I was still in a hurry. The following is taken directly from the book and I can assure that a jet is better than the 57 Ford I had.

"After six weeks of dating, Joy and I decided to sneak off and get married. I was really ready. I had learned the lesson: if a girl wants to marry you, they just don’t give it up. No marriage, no sex. On a Friday, we drove 32 miles north to Hillsboro, had lunch and then got the nerve to go to the courthouse and apply for a marriage license. They practically threw us out because of our age. But someone there told us that they would not make us show any proof of age in Bell County, so we got back in the car. Bell County was over 100 miles away, and we had about an hour and a half to get there before the courthouse closed for the day. I had a brand new 1957 Ford, and we drove over 100 mph, to just make it at the last moment. They asked our age, and we lied and they said nothing. We were married, way too young to make those kinds of decisions."

If you wish to read more about my jet setting days, buy the book. I would love to personalize a copy for you.


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