Saturday, August 29, 2015

Does heaven need pools? If they do, the best pool man I know is on the way.

Today, I have a heavy heart.  I found out that one of my favorite people passed away.

His name was Richard Parks and was affectionately called "The Pool Man."  A book should be written about him, and his animated personality that was displayed when he started selling you on his services as a pool builder.

The photo is a picture of Richard Parks and Tracey Lear. The picture  was taken a few summers ago.

He had a gleam in his eye and was so animated you never tired of hearing his sales pitch.  What makes this even sadder, just a few years ago, he found the love of his life with a beautiful widow named Tracey Lear.  They were so happy, and I am going to really miss him. I can tell you there are many interesting characters in Riding The Bull and he was one of my favorites.  I have a feeling there will be some new pools built in Heaven.  Rest in Peace "Pool Man."

You can read about other interesting people in Riding The Bull by going to and search on Mickey Murry or Riding The Bull by Murry

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