Tuesday, September 15, 2015

People ask. Why did you write Riding The Bull?

The obvious reason is that it is quite an honor for some to think your story has merit and worth publishing. But that was not my primary reason.

I hoped that my story would inspire and motivate some people that it was possible for someone, like me, with two kids, at age 18, no education, and no family wealth to accomplish great things. 

Anything is possible if are willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done, and to go out of your way to convince others that can help you that you want to be a winner. Success will follow a great effort.  And although some failure or setbacks may follow great success, what you  accomplished will always be there. And what is more important, you can get back at it again and accomplish some more.

This is a great story about the American dream, Texas style. It is not just about the glitz and glamorous side of life, but it is about the genuine pitfalls of someone who is willing to try and accomplish great things.  That is why Riding The Bull is the appropriate title for my story.  Read my story and you will see why the title fits.

I have heard wonderful feedback from numerous first purchasers who read the book straight through and that makes me feel good.

It will make you feel good and inspired too. Look for it under my name Mickey Murry on Amazon.

Or call me at 214-282-0027.
Follow my blog at ridingthebull.blogspot.com

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Dr. Robert Schuller was one of the fascinating people that lived in my story.

When I thought I had lost everything, I turned on the TV.  

There he was delivering two of his most powerful messages - Tough Times Never Last, Tough People Do and Success is Never Ending, Failure is Never Final.  

Who was he? He was Dr. Robert H. Schuller. His TV show the Hour of Power was watched my millions of people every week. His message was a gift of hope to many people including me.

Dr. Schuller is a person that had an impact on my life, as well as, the lives of millions of others. You can discover how he helped me in my book. He was my savior because his words meant  that all of the great things I had accomplished would always be there and no one could ever take them away. My failure was not final and I could come back.

After thinking about Dr. Schuller's message and believing God had compelled me to turn on the TV on that specific day at that specific time, I was fired up and ready to get back on the bull and hang on. Not only was I determined, but I was feeling very close to God because I knew he was with me. 

I believe you will find stories like this are inspirational and helpful in overcoming your own life's tragedies. They have helped me navigate my path. They have also taught me to never underestimate the inspirational power of a few well chosen words.  Cliches aside, words are genuinely mightier than the sword. 

Dr. Schuller is just one of the many fascinating and powerful people that crossed my path from where I started to where I am now. They are all described in Riding the Bull.

Contact me with your story. ridingthebullbymurry@gmail.com